About The Luxury Townhomes at Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills
How many total units will be in Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills?
Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills will be comprised of 138 age-restricted (55 and over) multifamily residential units.
What are the types and sizes of units?
The proposed community will be a mix of two- and three-bedroom units consisting of two-bed/two-bath “villas” and three-bed/two-and-a-half-bath townhomes. All units will include either a one- or two-car garage. The units will include the option for a primary bedroom on the first floor and a basement.
How much will each unit cost?
At this time, it is estimated that the base price of units will begin at $999,000.
What is the maintenance each month?
The estimated maintenance cost per unit will be $450 per month.
How much will residents pay in taxes?
Estimated taxes are based on the size of the unit and other factors. Per unit, it is estimated that residents will pay an average of $9,000 annually in property taxes.
Will residents own their townhomes?
Yes, all units will be owner-occupied townhomes.
The property will only have luxury townhouses, there will be no rental apartments. Sublets will be prohibited.
What amenities will be included?
All Vanderbilt Estates residents will have access to a clubhouse with outdoor space that includes a swimming pool, pool patio, pickleball courts, bocce ball court and adjacent lawn areas.
How many children will live in the community?
The proposed residential community is restricted to residents aged 55 and older and is estimated that no school age children will reside at Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills.
Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills is anticipated to generate tax revenue for the Half Hollow Hills Central School District, estimated to total nearly $1 million per year. This will eliminate the school district’s need to tap into additional fund balances which will alleviate an increased burden on other taxpayers throughout the district.
How many buildings will be constructed?
Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills will include residential luxury townhomes and villas, one community clubhouse and a guard booth.
What is the size of the property?
Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills will be constructed on approximately 23.94 acres.
How long will it take to build?
It is anticipated that construction of the proposed project will commence in October 2025, with the construction period anticipated to occur over a period of 24 months.
Will local labor be used?
Yes, local labor and local contractors will be used to construct Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills.
How many local construction jobs will be created?
It is estimated that approximately 268.4 full-time equivalent (FTE) construction jobs will be created during the construction of Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills.
Who currently owns the property?
A local neighborhood family has purchased the property and will be the developers of Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills. They are committed to making Vanderbilt Estates an exceptional neighborhood in the Dix Hills community where neighbors can stay and live a maintenance-free lifestyle near their family members.
The character of the neighborhood is very important to the developers and will ensure the affluent Dix Hills aesthetic will be maintained. Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills will blend perfectly with the current environment of the community.
What is the developer’s experience with projects like Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills?
The developers have been in business for more than 60 years and have extensive experience in all types of construction and development projects, locally and regionally. They have a tremendous reputation for quality and professionalism.
Community Impact
Neighbors from adjoining properties, or who live within a close proximity of the development can anticipate and expect a beautiful and well-maintained, luxury residential community for those “55 and older.”
How will Vanderbilt Estates enhance the aesthetic of the Dix Hills neighborhood?
The local community will benefit by experiencing less traffic, as well as a reduction in roadway noise. The building of this development will further enhance and improve local property values.
Vanderbilt Estates will be constructed using quality architecture and landscaping, vegetative screening, and Dark-Sky-compliant outdoor lighting to maintain and enhance the visual appearance of the development and protect the aesthetic quality of the community.
Will Vanderbilt Estates visually impact the Dix Hills community?
The state-of-the-art luxury modern housing will blend in with the high-end aesthetic of the Dix Hills neighborhood.
Vanderbilt Estates will also include beautiful landscaping that will enhance the elegant quality of the development. With a variety of colors, the natural beauty of the site will elevate residents’ enjoyment. The proposed landscaping will include native trees, shrubs, perennials, grasses and groundcover species and some ornamental species. The plantings include evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs to provide shade which will also screen the site from view. Landscaping will be further augmented with flowering shrubs, perennials, and ground covers.
What will happen to the current properties?
The current businesses will continue to operate on the property until permits are issued. There will be two phases to the construction starting from south to north.
Economic Impact
Will jobs be created after the project is complete?
It is estimated that there will be 10 full- and part-time equivalent jobs that will be created following construction in maintenance, accounting, administration, etc.
What is the economic impact of the project locally?
The anticipated annual tax revenue is approximately $1,254,967.
How will this project impact property values?
This new development will improve local property values and elevate the desirability of the Dix Hills communities. Vanderbilt Estates will also provide existing Dix Hills residents with housing options that enable them to stay within their neighborhood and live in a luxury maintenance-free gated community.
Will the project positively support local schools?
Of the $1.2 million in annual tax revenue, roughly $1 million will go toward the Half Hollow Hills Central School District. There will be no significant impact to children enrolling in the school district.
Environmental Impact
Will the buildings be environmentally friendly?
The architectural design of the buildings will be constructed with the latest methods and technologies, in compliance with all local building and energy-conservation codes and regulations.
How will the project impact the local environment?
Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills will have a positive impact on the local environment. Fewer cars and trucks producing fewer gas emissions will enhance air quality. Drinking water will not be impacted. Each luxury townhome will be equipped with the latest energy-efficient appliances.
How will the project enhance air quality?
Fewer cars, buses and diesel trucks entering and exiting the property will lead to enhanced local air quality. Dirt, dust and other particulates created through current uses of the properties will be eliminated as well. There will also be less pollution along Deer Park Avenue.
How will the development make the area safer?
There have been safety issues with cars parked on Deer Park Avenue that have led to countless accidents. Removing cars, trucks, heavy machinery and buses from Deer Park Avenue, as well as adding a proposed traffic light, will make driving in the area safer and reduce the potential for traffic accidents.
How will lighting make the area surrounding Vanderbilt Estates safer?
LED street lighting will be installed along the access driveway, other interior roadways and at strategic locations near the proposed clubhouse and visitor parking areas to ensure a safe and secure nighttime environment without light-induced impacts.
How will garbage and recycling be collected?
All garbage, refuse and recyclables will be removed by private carting companies hired by the proposed homeowner’s association.
Will there be a sewage-treatment plant on the property?
No, Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills will not have a sewage plant.
Will this project be connected to local sewers?
This proposed community will have its own state-of-the-art onsite pumping station and forced sewer main to convey onsite generated wastewater offsite to Suffolk County Sewer District (SCSD) #5.
All drainage catch basins will meet and comply with Town stormwater management requirements.
What will be the impact on drinking water/water quality in the area?
This proposed community will be serviced by the Dix Hills Water District, providing quality drinking water to consumers.
Traffic and Noise Reduction
How will the redevelopment project reduce traffic?
Traffic studies indicate that changing the property from commercial use to residential use will drastically decrease the number of vehicles entering and exiting the property. Deer Park Avenue is a New York State highway that currently sees in excess of 30,000 cars per day passing by this location.
The professional traffic impact analysis that accompanies the application of Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills demonstrates without equivocation that the trip generations associated with this age-restricted luxury community are far less than the current traffic generated by the existing businesses and commercial uses.
There will no longer be buses, delivery vehicles or staff automobiles on the property, or personal vehicles parked along the shoulder of Deer Park Avenue. Overall, there will be a decrease in traffic from the current use to the proposed use. Heavy machinery and large trucks that currently need to enter and exit at multiple access points will no longer be a concern.
Study after study has demonstrated that residential communities such as Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills do not pose any significant or perceptible impacts upon existing traffic conditions.
How will the project reduce noise?
Noise levels will be significantly reduced by eliminating heavy machinery, large trucks, buses and fewer cars entering and exiting the property.
Consistency with the Town of Huntington’s 2020 Comprehensive Plan
Is Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills Consistent with The Town of Huntington’s 2020 Comprehensive Plan?
Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills is consistent with the goals encouraged by the Horizons 2020 Comprehensive Plan for Development. Chapter 9 of the Horizons 2020 Comprehensive Plan is dedicated to housing needs in the Town of Huntington. The plan can be found here.
Will the project support the Town of Huntington’s Horizons 2020 Comprehensive Plan relating to meeting the housing needs of the town’s aging population?
Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills supports the Town of Huntington’s goals of providing more housing for both the town’s and Long Island’s aging population.
It is widely reported, and census data demonstrates, that The Town of Huntington’s and Long Island’s population is aging. The subject industrialized property, fronting on a divided state highway, is precisely the type of repurposing of land that the Horizons 2020 Comprehensive Plan (and the legislative intent of the proposed zoning district) contemplate. In fact, Policy G.3 seeks the promotion of a diversified housing stock to meet the changing demographics of Huntington’s population. In particular, a primary goal includes an increase in “attached residential/mixed-use developments to replace marginal and obsolescent uses along larger scale commercial corridor,” such as the subject property where Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills will be constructed. Deer Park Avenue is a New York State highway that sees in excess of 30,000 cars per day passing the subject property.
Spot Zoning
Are the developers seeking spot zoning changes to allow for construction to move forward?
Spot zoning is a “catchy phrase” which has legal and planning implications, none of which exists in relation to Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills.
The Town of Huntington’s Garden Apartment Special District is a misnomer as this zoning classification is customarily used for most, if not all, owner-occupied condominium complexes that exist today in the Town of Huntington. As the name connotes, this special district floats and is intended to act as a transition zone between lower density traditional housing and as here, with the busy divided state highway. The proposed project is consistent with, and in conformity with, the Town’s comprehensive plan for development.
The New York State Court of Appeals has ruled repeatedly that the rezoning of property, consistent with accepted and carefully reviewed land use planning techniques, in conformance with a municipality’s comprehensive plan for development, does not constitute “spot zoning.”
For Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills, the proposed R-3M zone is residential, as opposed to the industrial and commercial use, the way the property is currently being used today.
Age Restriction
Will Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills remain luxury, age-restricted, senior (55+) housing in perpetuity?
Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills must and will remain 55+ in perpetuity. Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills will be a luxury, owner-occupied, age-restricted gated community that will predominantly cater to local residents who want to downsize and live a maintenance-free lifestyle and remain near their family, friends, preferred physicians, health facilities, shopping, entertainment, dining and places of worship.
As a condition of zone change approval, and as a requirement of the townhome offering plan to be approved by the New York State Attorney General, Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills will be maintained in perpetuity as a luxury, age-restricted community, where the units will be owner-occupied.
This proposed luxury townhome gated community, Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills, will be built on approximately 23.94 acres of previously utilized commercially land.
The local neighborhood family developers are committed to making Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills an exceptional neighborhood because they too are lifelong Dix Hills residents. They are devoted to upholding the luxurious aesthetic of the neighborhood and will ensure Vanderbilt Estates blends into the community.
The developers have designed Vanderbilt Estates to be an option for neighbors to stay in the place they call home and live a maintenance-free lifestyle in a luxury, active-adult community close to their children and grandchildren. Living at Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills will allow residents to age in place and also be close to friends, preferred physicians and healthcare facilities, shopping, entertainment, dining and places of worship.
New York State and Long Island are currently faced with a major housing crisis. Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills will provide housing for a large demographic that is in search of new Long Island luxury living developments for those 55 and older with a desire to live a maintenance-free lifestyle and remain in or near their home communities.
Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hill’s attractive, luxury townhome design and landscape architecture fit with and enhance the aesthetics of the neighborhood and improve local property values. The community’s proximity to both the Long Island Expressway and Northern State Parkway provides easy access to all points on Long Island.
Recent traffic studies indicate that by changing the three properties from commercial use to residential use, there will be a significant reduction in traffic, noise and air pollution. Less traffic and trucks will also preserve roads, reduce infrastructure damage, and decrease the number of automobile accidents on this busy corridor.
The project will have a significant economic impact as it will create approximately 268.4 jobs during the 24-month construction period and an additional 10 full- and/or part-time equivalent jobs post-construction. Vanderbilt Estates Dix Hills will generate $1,254,967 in property taxes annually, of which, nearly $1 million will go toward the Half Hollow Hills Central School District.